Not registered yet? Please contact our project manager Dr. Sara Stöber . This area is only for members of the research consortium.

For increased transparency

Within EU-funded Horizon 2020 projects, ‘Deliverables’ are “outputs that must be produced at a given moment” during the project. This includes, for example, detailed information on the scientific progress of a specific task, a research manuscript, a special report, a technical diagram, a brochure, a software, or another important “building block”. As soon as such a deliverable has been completed, a detailed deliverable report is required to be submitted to and checked by the European Commission (EC). QSPainRelief dissemination items are openly available for download here. In addition, feel free to view our public deliverable reports:

WP1 – Project management

WP2 – QSPainRelief model platform development

WP9 – Dissemination, training and exploitation