Not registered yet? Please contact our project manager Dr. Sara Stöber . This area is only for members of the research consortium.

Training, mentorship & masterclasses

In addition to a monthly seminar, optional secondments at partner sites, and the pairing with a consortium member as a mentor for the duration of the project, each QSPainRelief early-career scientists (ECS) will maintain a personal training portfolio that specifies individual training needs and goals, suggestions for Masterclass topics, and the desired mentor. During the annual general assembly (GA) meetings, QSPainRelief will organise ECS talks and/or poster sessions, and video-taped masterclasses that will be cut, animated, and subtitled within the following 6 months for publication on YouTube and on this page.

Training Documents

All ECS are asked to fill out and maintain this training portfolio in order to identify individual training needs and to monitor their progress. Please send the completed training portfolio to Dr. Nina Donner.

Masterclasses & Webinars

QSPainRelief’s first patient event took place as part of Pain Alliance Europe’s (PAE) annual General Assembly (GA) Meeting on 24 June 2020. QSPainRelief’s scientific coordinator, Prof. Dr. Liesbeth de Lange, presented the scope of our Horizon 2020-funded research project in a 20-min ppt presentation. The talk was well-received by the audience of laymen and representatives of European pain patient organisations from 19 different countries. We herewith share the talk as a webinar for students, the general public, and patients!

This is the 1st QSPainRelief Masterclass, held by our scientific and ethical advisory board (SEAB) member Prof. Dr. Albert Dahan from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in Leiden, The Netherlands, during the project’s 2nd General Assembly (GA) Meeting on December 10th, 2020. As an expert on chronic pain treatment, he provides detailed insight into the current approaches used in the clinical treatment of chronic pain patients.

This is the 2nd QSPainRelief Masterclass, held by the leader of work package 6 (WP6), Prof. Dr. Rafael Maldonado from University Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona, Spain), during the project’s 2nd General Assembly (GA) Meeting on December 10th, 2020. As an expert on preclinical research regarding nociception (pain perception), pain medication, and the development of addiction, Rafael elucidates the value and necessity of animal models in researching addictive behaviors and related brain regions. In particular, we learn everything about operant self-administration of opioids (or any other potential “drug”, including alcohol or food) in animal models of reward, reinforcement, abuse liability, and addiction.

This is the 3rd QSPainRelief Masterclass, held by the leader of work package 5 (WP5), Prof. Dr. Jesús Giraldo from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, Barcelona, Spain), during the project’s 3rd General Assembly (GA) Meeting on December 15th, 2021. Jesús Giraldo leads the Laboratory of Molecular Neuropharmacology and Bioinformatics at the Institut de Neurociències. The research activities of the group that are related to the present project are mostly devoted to the elucidation of the signaling properties of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by computational methods.

This is the 4th QSPainRelief Masterclass, held by project members from In Silico Biosciences Inc. (ISB), namely Robert Carr (CEO) and Athan Spiros, Ph.D. ISB is a biosciences company located in Lexington, USA, that specializes in computer-based mechanistic modeling of central nervous system (CNS) diseases. The Masterclass was held online due to the pandemic and recorded via Zoom on December 15th, 2021, within the realm of the remote 3rd QSPainRelief General Assembly (GA) Meeting.

This is the 5th QSPainRelief Masterclass, held by the project’s scientific coordinator, Prof. Liesbeth de Lange from Leiden University (ULEI), within the realm of the 4th General Assembly (GA) Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, on 5 December 2022. We hope you enjoy Liesbeth’s comprehensive story-telling about the decades-long achievements of her research group and about the role smart data and mathematical modeling play in unraveling pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic relationships.

This fascinating 6th QSPainRelief Masterclass about “Human biomarkers of nociception” was held by work package 8 (WP8) leader Prof. André Mouraux from UCLouvain (UCL), Belgium, within the realm of the 4th General Assembly (GA) Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, on 5 December 2022. Sit back, relax, and enjoy André’s comprehensive overview of the ongoing research in pain perception (nociception) and outlook to the future when we might have tools and methods to prevent, diagnose, and treat chronic pain with a personalized approach.

In this insightful QSPainRelief Masterclass, Deirdre Ryan, President of Pain Alliance Europe (PAE), discusses the importance of patient involvement in healthcare research, highlighting challenges and strategies for meaningful engagement. She emphasizes the need for better patient-reported outcome measures and the mutual benefits of collaboration between patients and researchers.