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15 December 2023

New Masterclasses – watch now on YouTube

When it gets cold and snowy outside this winter, lean back, relax, and watch our newest Masterclasses!

The first one is presented by our scientific coordinator, Prof. Liesbeth de Lange from Leiden University (ULEI) in the Netherlands. The second one is presented by work package 8 (WP8) leader Prof. André Mouraux from UCLouvain (UCL) in Belgium.

We hope you enjoy Liesbeth’s comprehensive story-telling about the decades-long achievements of her research group and about «The miracle of smart data and mathematical modeling in unraveling pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic relationships» as well as André’s fascinating overview of «Human biomarkers of nociception», including recent research results regarding pain perception, and an outlook to the future when we might have tools and methods to prevent, diagnose, and treat chronic pain with a much more personalized approach. Both lectures were recorded within the realm of the 4th General Assembly (GA) Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, on 5 December 2022, and have now been produced for YouTube.

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6-8 December 2023

Successful 5th GA Meeting & Patient Event

The 5th QSPainRelief General Assembly (GA) Meeting took place in Leiden, NL, from 6-8 December 2023 and was a fantastic opportunity for the consortium to gain insights into the progress made in all work packages (WPs), attend an extremely high-quality early career scientist (ECS) poster session, and learn from our scientific and ethical advisory board (SEAB) member Deirdre Ryan, president of Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) on what it means to live with chronic pain and «How to co-create the future of research from bench to bedside» together with the patient community (see Deirdre Ryan’s lecture slides).

The focus of the entire GA was on the patient’s perspective and how to improve the dialogue between chronic pain patients and researchers. The GA was kicked off with the QSPainRelief’s 2nd Patient and Layman Event on Wednesday, December 6th, from 2-4 pm at the Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR). The event was targeted towards the local patient community and was thus held in Dutch language.

The ppt slides of both Liesbeth de Lange’s lecture and Jeroen Elassaiss-Schaap’s lecture can be downloaded. Stay tuned for the video (online soon) and a summary of the patient event in the next newsletter!

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Personalise and maximize pain relief for individuals suffering from chronic pain

Summary Statement

10 institutions in Europe and the USA collaborate for the next 5 years to help patients suffering from chronic pain. QSPainRelief aims to develop effective drug combination treatments for the improved relief of chronic pain. A quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) mathematical modelling approach will be used to identify and validate more effective therapeutic interventions by smart combinations of existing drugs. The ultimate goal is to personalise and maximize pain relief for individuals suffering from chronic pain while diminishing side effects.

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  • Consolidating cutting-edge treatment models for chronic pain
  • Summary Statement
  • Validating novel combinational therapies preclinically in vitro and in vivo
  • Conducting clinical studies to detect functional biomarkers
  • Improving the clinical guidelines for pain relief in stratified patient groups
  • Personalising pain relief treatment for each patient
  • Improving the scientific understanding of chronic pain regarding age, sex, disease and genetic factors


  • Novel concepts of combinational pain relief therapies
  • Improved efficacy and acceptability in the clinic
  • Effective stratification of patients with respect to age, sex, disease and genotype
  • Personalised treatment with unswerving benefits for patients
  • Unique knowledge gain and innovation opportunities