PhD Student (UNIBO)
Apply until 21 May 2021: In the frame of the PhD program in Biotechnological, Biocomputational, Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences (B2F2), the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT) at UNIBO is looking for a PhD student as part of QSPainRelief! The selected applicant will join the Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Unit to investigate gene expression and cellular signaling and to perform molecular pathway analysis in rat and mouse primary cultures from distinct brain regions as well as in human neuronal cell lines. This is aiming at developing and implementing an innovative Quantitative Systems Pharmacology platform for the identification of more effective and safer combinational treatments of chronic pain. If interested, please contact Dr. Andrea Bedini. For further information about the selection process, call for application, deadlines, and the admission board, click here.
More information about the B2F2 department!
Apply until 20 May 2020: The Leiden Academic Centre for Drug research is looking for a Bio-informatician / analyst as part of the H2020-funded project QSPPainRelief.