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PD-value B.V.

Top-notch modelling and simulation expertise to transition pharma products from animals to humans

PD-value B.V.
Yalelaan 1
3854 CL Utrecht
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Team Leader

Dr. Jeroen Elassaiss-Schaap

CEO at PD-value & Postdoc at ULEI
Phone: +31 71 527 450 1
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Team Staff

Monir Bertayli

Phone: +31 6 392 172 21
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Institute Presentation

PD-value is an expert-consultancy company in the field of translational pharmacometrics. It has been founded in 2014 by Jeroen Elassaiss-Schaap, a recognized senior scientist in pharmacometrics, with over 17 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. The organization has its office in the Utrecht Science Park. PD-value provides clients with pharmacometric support in transitioning products from animal to man, and during further clinical development, for example in clinical dose selection or in the filing of drug dossiers to authorities.

Within the QSPainRelief project, PD-value is proud to participate in the integration of findings across disciplines. The modelling & simulation expertise of PD-value will be utilized in the set-up of multivariate aggregates and also in the set-up of clinical utility or CUI modelling to balance the various outcomes as generated by the other QSPainRelief partners, in order to select optimal therapies that can help patients in the battle against chronic pain.